I was a foodie before I knew there was a name for it. I also enjoy a good skinny jean and a fitted blazer. For a long time, I bought into the belief that you had to marry the one you loved most and divorce the other. Quite the love triangle.
One day, I realized I wanted to have my cake and eat it too! The following year I searched the world for natural ingredients that came from plants where I could follow their growth cycle from seed to sweet, without ever seeing a lab. What I wanted was a sweetener that didn’t change the flavor of my favorite things. A sweetener full of clean beneficial ingredients that actually helped my body work better.
I took what I learned from my research and what made my taste buds jump for joy and combined them into one simple sugar replacement. Stir was born, and I was in love. The forever kind. To be honest, I had planned on keeping it to myself. My secret sugar replacement that made my chocolate chip cookies taste amazing but didn’t change my waistline. But I’m a giver. So I shared my new love with some very talented chef and mixologist friends in Los Angeles and they loved it too!
In fact they loved it so much they asked me to make it for their restaurants to share with their guests. So I did. Now my sweetener can be found in cocktails and desserts around California and soon, the world. Consider it my gift to you. #EndTheLoveTriangle
xo, Leila